21 Century COE Conference

Symposium on Market Quality:

Aspects from Microeconomics, Game Theory, and Finance

Purpose of the Conference

This conference joins both international and Japanese researchers from microeconomics, game theory, and finance fields to discuss market quality. The term "market quality" is broadly defined to encompass many important issues in these fields. Presentations are by invited speakers only.

Date and Location

Date: December 17 (Sat) and 18 (Sun), 2005.

Location: G-SEC (East Research Building, No. 4 in the campus map), 6th Floor

Mita campus, Keio University. Tokyo, JAPAN.


If you plan to attend the conference, please send an Email to coeconf05@mec0.econ.keio.ac.jp with the following information:
Your name, affiliation, day(s) you plan to attend, whether you join the reception (17th, 17:30, Note the time change!)

We will prepare a name tag for those who registered in advance.


Saturday, Dec. 17th.

Session 1Chair: Shuhei Shiozawa
(Keio Univ.)
10:00-10:15WelcomeMakoto Yano
(Keio Univ.)
10:15-11:00A Noncooperative Approach to General
n-Person Cooperative Games pdf file
Akira Okada
(Hitotsubashi Univ.)
11:00-11:45Farsighted Stability in Two-Person Strategic
Form Games Extended Abstract (pdf)
Shigeo Muto
(Tokyo Inst. Tech.)

11:45-13:00: Lunch Break

Session 2Chair: Shinsuke Nakamura
(Keio Univ.)
13:00-13:45Policy Implementation under
Endogenous Time Inconsistency pdf file
Taiji Furusawa
(Hitotsubashi Univ.)
13:45-14:30Gender Segregation of Skill Acquisition:
Theory and Policy Implications pdf file
Junichiro Ishida
(Osaka Univ.)
14:30-15:15LoopholesKim-Sau Chung
(Northwestern Univ.)

15:15-15:45: Coffee Break

Session 3Chair: Kunio Kawamata
(Emeritus, Keio Univ.)
15:45-16:30Equilibrium in Continuous-Time Financial Markets:
Endogenously Complete Markets pdf file (slides)
Robert Anderson
(UC Berkeley)
16:30-17:15An Approximate Approach to the Exponential
Utility Indifference Valuation pdf file
Takuji Arai
(Keio Univ.)

17:30-- Reception (Note the time change!)

Sunday, Dec. 18th.

Session 4Chair: Makoto Yano
(Keio Univ.)
9:30-10:15A Model of Institutional Change in Rice Village
pdf file
Kenichi Sakakibara
(Chiba Univ.)
10:15-11:00Heterogeneous Risk Attitudes in a Continuous-Time Model
pdf file
Chiaki Hara
(Kyoto Univ.)
11:00-11:45On the Debreu Social Equilibrium Theorem with
Asymmetric Information and a Continuum of agents pdf file
Nicholas Yannelis
(Univ. Illinois)

11:45-13:00: Lunch Break

Session 5Chair: Shinsuke Kambe
(Gakushuin Univ.)
13:00-13:45Contract, Mechanism Design, and Technological Detail
pdf file
Joel Watson
(UC San Diego)
13:45-14:30A Dynamic General Equilibrium Model with
Centralized Auction Markets pdf file
Kazuya Kamiya
(Univ. Tokyo)
14:30-15:15Voluntarily Repeated Prisoner's Dilemma
with and without Reference Letters pdf file (without reference letter),
pdf file(with reference letter)
Masahiro Okuno-Fujiwara
(Univ. Tokyo)
15:15-15:30Closing SpeechDean, Shuhei Shiozawa
(Keio Univ.)

Organizers: Shuhei Shiozawa (Keio University), Shinsuke Nakamura (Keio University), Takako Fujiwara-Greve (Keio University), and Yasunari Tamada (Keio University).

This conference is part of the 21 century COE Project (link in Japanese) of Faculty of Economics and Faculty of Business and Commerce at Keio University.