- 個人基本情報
- 氏名:
- 宮崎直哉[みやざきなおや]
- 職位:
- 教授
- 研究室:
- 来往舎(研究棟)
- 略歴:
- 最終取得学位:
- 博士(理学・東京理科大学)
- 受賞学術賞:
- 所属学会:
- 日本数学会
- 教育活動
- 担当科目(2007年度)
- [通学課程]
- 微分積分、微分積分入門、解析学入門I、解析学入門II
- 教育方針:
- なるべく多くの時間数学に接していることで、各学生の頭の中に言語、イメージ、数式3つのウィンドウを開けるようにしたい。
- 研究活動
- 専攻・研究領域:
- 幾何学(非可換幾何学・微分幾何学・大域解析)
- 現在の研究活動
- 無限次元Lie 群・シンプレクティック構造に伴う特性類。
Dynamical Yang-Baxter equation の量子化とSHLAにおけるR-マトリクスコホモロジーさらにqKZ equation への応用。
- 主要業績:
- 単著論文:
- On regular Frechet-Lie group of inverible inhomogeneous Fourier integral operators on R^n, Tokyo Journal of Math. 19-1, 1-38, 1996
- A remark on the Maslov form on the group generated by invertible Fourier integral operators, Lett. Math. Phys. 42, 35-41, 1997
- On a certain class of oscillatory integral transformations which determine canonical graphs, Japan Journal of Math. 24-1, 61-81, 1998
- On Maslov forms associated with the group of all symplectomorphisms on a Kaehler manifold, RIMS Kokyuroku 1070, 123-137, 1998 (日本語・査読なし)
- On secondary characteristic classes -Maslov index- , RIMS Kokyuroku 1119, 171-178, 1999 (日本語・査読なし)
- Remarks on the characteristic classes associated with the group of Fourier integral operators, Mathematical Physics Studies, 23, 145-154, 2001
- Deformation Quantization, localization and the Kirillov formula, RIMS Kokyuroku 1260, 126-147, 2002 (日本語・査読なし)
- Classification of all quadratic star products on a plane, Lecture Notes in Physics, 662, 113-126,(2005) Springer-Verlag.
- Contact Weyl manifold における指数定理と representable K-theory, 数理解析研究所講究録 1406, 40-59, 2005
- On Vectorial Gerbes and Poincare-Cartan Classes, Non commutative Geometry and Physics, 291-300,2005, World Scientific
- 非可換微分幾何学, 数理科学、 2006年5月号, 48-53, サイエンス社.
- On the integrability of deformation quantized Toda lattice, Acta Applicandae Mathematicae 92, 21-36, 2006.
- A Lie group structure for automorphisms of a contact Weyl manifold, Progress in Mathematics, 252, 25-44, 2007
- Examples of groupoid, to appear in Noncommutative Geometry and Physics, World Scientific.
- 量子化に係わる特性類, 数理解析研究所講究録 掲載予定
- 共著論文:
- Noncommutative 3-sphere as an example of noncommutative contact algebras, in "Quantum groups and quantum spaces", Banace center publications, 40, Institute of Mathematics, Polish Academy of Science, Warszawa, 329-334, 1997
- Deformation quantizations of the Poisson algebra of Laurent polynomials, Lett. Math. Phys. 46,171-180,1998
- Poincare-Cartan class and deformatin quantization of Kaehler manifolds, Commun. Math. Phys. 194, 1998
- Group of quantum volume preserving diffeomorphisms and their Berezin representation, in "Analyis on infinite-dimensional Lie groups and algebras", edited by H. Heyes and J. Marion, 337-354, 1998, World Scientific
- Noncommutative 3-sphere: A model of noncommutative contact algebras, Journal Math. Soc. Japan, 50-4, 915-943, 1998
- An example of convergent star product, RIMS Kokyuroku 1180, 141-165, 2000 (査読なし)
- Deformation quantization of Frechet-Poisson algebras -Convergence of the Moyal product-, Math. Phys. Studies 22, 233-246, 2000
- Convergent star products on Frechet linear Poisson algebras of Heisenberg type, Contemporary Math. 288, 391-395, 2001
- Star exponential functions for quadratic forms and polar elements, Contemporary Math. 315, 25-38, 2002
- Strange phenomena related to ordering problems in quantizations, Journal of Lie Theory, 100, 2002
- Star exponential functions as two-valued elements, 483-492, Progress in Mathematics 232, 2005
- Noncommutative Minkowski space and transcendental calculus, to appear in Progress in Theoretical Physics Supplement
- Non-formal deformation quantization of Frechet-Poisson algebras: The Heisenberg Lie algebra case, Contemporary Mathematics, 434, 99-124, (2007)
- 閲覧者へのメッセージ:
- 不断の努力・忍耐(私自身は最近弛んできていて、出来なくなってきていることですが・・・)で頑張って下さい。